- 園 長Principal
- 住田 淳子(すみだ じゅんこ)
- Ms. Junko Sumida
I am grateful for the opportunity to work at Full Moon International Kodomoen-Otake and to have met all the lovely children together with their caring parents.
I would like to foster childcare where children feel at ease come in with smiles, enjoy play-based learning activities, and feel satisfactorily fulfilled at the end of the day. I would like to challenge myself with new things and grow with the children. I would like to be able to speak basic English by interacting with the children and the international teachers from time to time.

- 副園長
- 小牟禮 晴美(こむれ はるみ)
- Harumi Komure
I find solace in the smiles of the children and draw positive energy and vitality from their presence. I have a deep love for insects to the extent that when I see children engaged and demonstrate their curiosity, I enthusiastically join them in the exploration of bugs.
During my days off, I take pleasure in cultivating and harvesting crops from my backyard garden and also love raising killifish as a hobby.

- 主任Headteacher
- 藤原 梨恵(ふじわら りえ)
- Ms. Rie Fujiwara
『The sky is the limit!! 可能性は無限大!!』
”The sky is the limit” and “Possibilities are endless in life” are my favorite words of encouragement. By encountering many first time opportunities with children, I am able to do a lot of things together. I love to expand the world with the children trusted into my care and together reflect as we go.My favorite part of the day is lunchtime, and I like to nourish myself with balanced meals served daily at the preschool.

- 外国人講師English Teacher
- クァシー・ウィンフレッド
- Winfred Quarshie
Mr. Winfred has worked as an English teacher from kindergarten to high school in both public and private schools for 20 years.
He has lived in Japan for 14 years. He earned his teacher’s license in his home country.He studied as an exchange student at Yokohama National
University. He speaks English as his mother tongue and also speaks 3 other languages including Japanese. In 2014, he received the Most Valuable
English Teacher award from TEMI.He likes to watch movies, sing, and experience different cultures.

- 外国人講師English Teacher
- エズラ・ヤマシタ
- Ezra Yamashita
I migrated from the Philippines to Japan five years ago to work as an English teacher. I am currently living in Iwakuni and have taught young children in Waki-cho and throughout Iwakuni city. I also have some expertise teaching elementary school and English conversation classes. I prefer staying at home, either baking cookies or playing my favourite game, Zelda. I also like Hamburger Steak Sushi - a must have when ordering in HamaZushi.

- 外国人講師English Teacher
- チャールズ・メイナード
- Charles Maynard
Hello. My name is Charles. I am from the USA, but I also lived in China and in Italy before moving to Japan. I have taught students from babies to adults, but mostly I have taught elementary school age students. I enjoy living in Hiroshima, where my favourite place is the Hiroshima Museum of Contemporary Art. In my free time, I like watching cormorants catch fish in the river near my home.

- 外国人講師English Teacher
- ジョン・クン
- John Kung
I am from Sydney, Australia and have been living in Hiroshima for around 5 years. During this time, I have taught English at kindergartens, elementary and junior high schools, and in private English schools. I love teaching younger children and I am passionate about helping kids build a solid foundation in English to help them become confident English users. In my free time I like to play the guitar and enjoy outdoor sports.