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  • Sun Classの子どもたちの育ち ~IBの学習者像から~ The Growth of Children in the Sun Class ~ From the Viewpoint of IB Learners~
Sun Classの子どもたちの育ち ~IBの学習者像から~ The Growth of Children in the Sun Class ~ From the Viewpoint of IB Learners~

・見学全体を振り返ったあと、追加で聞きたいことがあれば静かに手を挙げ、指名されてから質問する。 友だちの質問、担当者の方の答えを静かに聞く。Sun Classの子どもたちは4月から小学生になります。これからの学びを通してさらにいろいろな力が育つことを期待しています。終わりになりましたが、田中食品(株)の皆様には、わかりやすいご説明や質問へのお答え、ふりかけづくり体験のお手伝いなど、子どもたちに温かく接していただきありがとうございました。

We were very happy to be able to realize one of the things on our “list of things we want to do before graduation,” a factory tour, thanks to the cooperation of Tanaka Foods Co.
We were able to see many images of the learners who have grown up through the exploration activities at the school during the tour.
Each student said “Thank you” to the driver (company staff) when they arrived at the factory and got off the bus, and “Please” when they left.
They lined up in an orderly fashion without being instructed to do so. Greet Tanaka Foods employees politely.
Act appropriately considering the place and time.
Thinker, Inquirer, Knowledgeable
Watch a DVD and understand the reason why Yasutaro Tanaka, the founder of Tanaka Foods, developed furikake and the process of its development.
While taking a tour of the factory, we will ask questions such as “What is it? Why? The students will ask questions and try to find solutions to their questions.
Reflective, Open-minded, Communicator
After reviewing the entire tour, if they have additional questions, they quietly raise their hands and ask questions after being nominated. They quietly listen to their friends’ questions and to the answers given by the person in charge.
Sun Class children will become elementary school students in April. We hope that they will further develop their various abilities through their future studies.
We would like to thank everyone at Tanaka Foods Co., Ltd. for their warm hospitality to the children, including their easy-to-understand explanations, answers to their questions, and assistance in the furikake-making experience.