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  • 潜れない・・・。潜れた! IB 10の学習者像 Risk-Taker ( I can’t dive… I can dive! IB 10 Learner Profile Risk-Taker)
潜れない・・・。潜れた! IB 10の学習者像 Risk-Taker ( I can’t dive… I can dive! IB 10 Learner Profile Risk-Taker)

遊んだ日数は少なかったですが、幼児組はプール遊び、乳児組は水遊びや感触あそび(寒天や、春雨、小麦粉などの感触を味わう遊び)を楽しみました。Sun Class(5歳児クラス)の中には、昨年は水が顔にかかることが嫌だったのに、少しずつ慣れていき、思いきり楽しめるようになった子どもがいました。平気な子どもは顔がつけられるようになり、潜れるようになり、体を水に預けて浮くことができるようになっていきました。

Taker Swimming/Waterplay has come to an end.
This summer has been extremely hot, and there were days when we had to cancel play because we had to avoid the dangerous times indicated by the Heat Stroke Alert. Knowing this situation, the children in the toddler group were anxiously looking forward to the day, “Can we play in the pool today?” and they were looking forward to it so much that they were concerned about it.
Although they did not have many days to play, the toddler class enjoyed playing in the pool, while the infant class enjoyed playing with water and playing with texture (tasting the texture of agar, vermicelli, flour, etc.).One child in the Sun Class (5-year-old class), who last year did not like having water splashed on her face, gradually became accustomed to the water and was able to enjoy it to the fullest. Those who were comfortable with it were able to put their faces on the water, dive, and float with their bodies in the water.
On the last day, one child tried to dive several times, but he could not muster the courage, saying, “I can’t wriggle out of the water…” I can’t get out of the water…” He could not summon up the courage to do so. I could not convince him, but I told him, “Next year, when you are in the first grade, you will be able to dive. I tried to convince him, but he was not convinced. I was impressed by the risk-taker attitude of the IB learners. The other children also seemed to have enjoyed playing in the pool, each taking on his or her own challenges. I wish I could have played longer,” they said as they left the pool.