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カレーパーティ Curry Party


その後は、Sun Class(5歳児組)の子どもから卒園児への質問タイムです。「ランドセルは重いですか?どんな色ですか?」「どんな勉強をするのですか?」など、今知りたいことを質問しました。卒園児は、相手に分かりやすいようにじっくりと考えて答えていました。それぞれが人とは違う質問や答えを言っていたことに感心しました。

It was nice to see you after a long time!  You’ve grown up, haven’t you?
~We invited the graduating 1st and 2nd graders to our Curry Party!Some of the 1st and 2nd graders were shy at first, but as they enjoyed dancing and playing games, they returned to the energetic and lively expressions they had when they were still at the school.
The most exciting game was the Othello game! It is a game where teams compete against each other to change the color of their team. It was impressive to see the children seriously tackling the game and being really happy when they won.
After that, it was time for the Sun Class (5-year-old group) children to ask questions to the graduating students. They asked questions such as “Is your school bag heavy? What color is it? What kind of studies do you do? The children asked the questions that they wanted to know now. The graduates thought carefully and answered the questions in a way that was easy to understand.
I was impressed that they asked and answered the questions differently from others.
After having fun, we ate curry with potatoes harvested at the school. It was so delicious that I had another helping.
We hope to have another chance to see them all together when they turn 20 years old.