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  • 警察のお仕事は自分たちの生活にどのようなかかわりがあるの? How is police work related to our lives?
警察のお仕事は自分たちの生活にどのようなかかわりがあるの? How is police work related to our lives?

Sun Class(5歳児)の子どもたちが、国際バカロレアのPYP(プライマリー イヤーズ プログラム)における探究活動のひとつとして、警察の仕事などについて自分たちが知りたいことを聞きました。

The Sun Class (5-year-olds) children asked what they wanted to know about police work and other aspects of police work as part of their exploratory activities in the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (PYP).
What facilities and equipment do police stations have?
What kind of work do they do?
How do they arrest bad people?
How do you learn about incidents and accidents when you are driving a police car or motorcycle? Etc.
The children listened to the police officers’ explanations very quietly and with great interest until the end.
They learned about incidents and accidents by radio. Afterwards, they were allowed to actually use the radio to communicate with the police officers at a little distance. ‘What is your favorite food?’ What is your favorite color?” The questions were very child-like.
At the end of the day, the children went outside and actually got to see police cars and motorcycles in action, and even had a ride in one! It was very cool.
As they listened to the various stories, they realized that their own safety is protected, thanks to the police officers. It was a very enriching exploration.
Thank you very much to Otake Police Station for their willingness to cooperate with the preschool despite their very busy schedules.