ブログ BLOG

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  • 園バスがやってきたぁ~!!

このバスに乗っていろいろなところへ出かけることで、活動の幅が広がり多くの探求ができることでしょう。バスを初めて見た子どもたちはびっくり!! そして大喜びの大興奮!!
5歳児Sun Classの子どもたちは、「みんなで協力して作っている千羽鶴を、平和公園に持っていきたい!!」と、話していました。すぐに実現できそうです。

The social welfare corporation “Sora” has purchased a school bus.
By riding this bus to various places, the children will be able to explore a wider range of activities.
The children were amazed when they saw the bus for the first time! And they were overjoyed and excited!
The toddler class children got on the bus one after another, sat on their favorite seats, and said, “I want to go somewhere like this,” enjoying the feeling of going out.
The 5-year-old Sun Class children said, “I want to take the thousand paper cranes we are making together to the Peace Park! They said, “I want to take the paper cranes we are making together to Peace Park! It looks like it will happen soon.